Cloud Computing and Cloud Services

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Clouds: Private, Public, Hybrid are being rigthfully accepted as powerful, flexible and valuable segments of Corporate IT Infrastructure. 

Cost-effective Cloud Solutions are bringing powerful tools to Small and Medium Sized Businesses; power that was recently only available to the largest enterprises.

Secure, Elastic and Redundant, these solutions are within the means of most businesses.  2M is a Microsoft Silver Cloud Platform Partner and can help you to use these technologies, providing a growing range of applications and functions - delivered as a Service.


Microsoft Azure is a Cloud-based, powerful and secure Platform as a Service offering from Microsoft.  2M utilizes Azure extensively for building Cloud-based environments, hosting applications and extending the in-house IT infrastructure of our clients Data Centers (and our own).  By eliminating the need to purchase equipment (and the care and feeding that goes along with it - like power and repair) and Platform Licenses, you enjoy greater capability and flexibility and less headaches than would have been possible if it were necessary to purchase the assets and bring them In-House. 

2M has leveraged this power as a way to deliver Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions to our customers.  Assets that you could purchase and bring InHouse (Windows or Linux Servers, Sites, Databases, Authentication, Storage, Virtual Workstations, Docker Containers, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, APIs, etc) can be hosted with much less trouble and grief in The Cloud.  Literally hundreds of Services in over fifty (50) Azure Regions worldwide are available.

Azure is a perfect delivery mechanism for Applications and Websites, providing a scaleable and durable hosting environment for our Applications and packages.  Through Azure, we can deliver Applications and functionality quickly and efficiently to our customers via subscription services.

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a very popular use case for Azure and is the #1 "First Step" of ground-based infrastructures into The Cloud.

The Azure platform is open and connective and is constantly upgraded with new features and extended capability.  It's the perfect vehicle for extending your IT Infrastructure and providing additional capability when you need it or moving critical Line-of-Business applications and assets into secure and durable Cloud.  You don't need to purchase for 'where you are going' before you get there; subscribe for what you need now, and allow your subscription to grow as your needs do.

Contact us for more information about the Azure Cloud!

Watch a short video about how Microsoft Azure Works





Microsoft 365 is a Cloud-based version of Microsoft's Office Suite, bundled with several other business applications - SharePoint Online, Exchange, Power BI, CRM, Project, Office and Microsoft Teams.  Consuming these products through The Cloud allows the customer to purchase features as-needed and to access these assets directly through their web browser (or mobile device) - providing for connectivity anywhere and everywhere.  Shout-out to SharePoint Online - facilitating collaboration and freeing workers from the limitations of their desktop.

Simply moving your Exchange eMail into Microsoft 365 allows a business to dispense with the care and feeding of a fairly resource-intense application and still enjoy Business-class eMail and associated functionality such as shared calendars and a single version of your InBox. 

Business disruptions due to local infrastructure issues (power outage, building maintenance or server upgrade) are a thing of the past, as your eMail service features built-in redundancy and fail-over.  You can even integrate Microsoft 365 with your local Active Directory for single sign-in authentication.

SharePoint Online delivers Document Management, Workflows, a Website platform, Application Development and Deployment, BI and Hosted Office Services directly thorugh Microsoft 365, to you anywhere.

Teams provides messaging and Video Conferencing, Team Sites, Content Sharing and shift Management capabilities through your web browser and to any device.

The Microsoft Power Platform helps us turn your great ideas into beautiful solutions fast and efficiently by empowering us with the ability to use Microsoft 365 applcations as a source of data.

Click here for more information about Microsoft 365!

Click below for a short video presentation about Microsoft 365




A CRM system should be the focal point through which all of your client and prospect-related interactions channel.  It should tie your ERP, eMail and engagements into one repository through which your Sales and Customer Service teams can see "the whole picture". 

Dynamics CRM is a perfect platform for achieving this and 2M has been designing and developing CRM applications since the 1990s, serving the Long Island and New York Business Communities with creative, efficient applications.  We have multiple Certified Partners on our staff and we provide Application Development and CRM Support at the Highest Level.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is available On Premesis, but is also available in The Cloud, through Microsoft 365 (Dynamics365).  This deployment model is purely a SaaS model - you dispense with the need to license O/S, database, product and software assurance and purchase a Server.  Instead, you subscribe to the service and use it.  Period. 

IT issues such as upgrades and maintenance are handled at Microsoft's Data Centers and implemented without the need for intervention by you or your team.  Simply coordinate with Microsoft's team, and they will do the rest.  You receive the most up-to-date version of the product and avoid heavy capital investments on servers and licenses.

Contact us for more information about CRM for Microsoft365!


2M is a Microsoft Silver Partner located in Hauppauge on Long Island and we have provided Technology Consulting, Programming and IT Services, Products and Solutions to businesses in the New York / Metro area since 1987.  The Cloud is providing powerful, secure, cost-effective IT solutions to Small and Medium Businesses; solutions that were not affordable nor even possible, just a few short years ago.  If you're interested in discussing your opportunites in The Cloud.

Contact us for more information!